Cooper Removal and Recovery from Aqueous Solutions by Using Selected Synthetic Ion Exchange Resins (Part II)

  • Agnieszka BOŻĘCKA AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mining and Geoengineering, Poland
  • Monika ORLOF-NATURALNA AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mining and Geoengineering, Poland
Keywords: copper, ion exchange resins, Langmuir isotherm, Freundlich isotherm


In paper the possibility of Cu2+ ions removing from aqueous solutions on selected synthetic ion exchange resins (Purolite S 910, S 930,
S 940, S 950, C 160) was studied. These processes were described by the Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption models.
It was found that the process of Cu2+ ions removing on S 910 and S 930 ion exchangers were the best described by linear equation
form of Langmuir isotherm. The fit quality of the Freundlich isotherm is the best for S 940, C 160 and S 950 ion exchangers, which is
confirmed by the obtained values of correlation coefficients R.
The highest value of the maximum sorption capacity (about 69 mg/g) was obtained for C 160 cation exchange resin with sulfonic
groups. For others ion exchange resins the monolayer capacity was decreasing in following order S 940 > S 930 > S 950 > S 910. The
S 940 and S 930 ion exchangers were characterized by the highest affinity for Cu2+ ions. The amidoxime polyacrylic chelating resin S
910 was the least efficient. The differences in the affinity of the studied resins towards to Cu2+ ions can be explained by their different
chemical or physical structure and particles size.
In case of the studied ion exchange resins, the 1/n parameter values of the Freundlich isotherm were in range of 0.21–0.32. Therefore,
it can be concluded that energy heterogeneity of the studied sorption system and intensity of Cu2+ ion removal on above ion exchangers
are moderate. The K parameter value of the Freundlich equation was also highest for ion exchangers S 930 and S 940.

How to Cite
BOŻĘCKA, A., & ORLOF-NATURALNA, M. (2021). Cooper Removal and Recovery from Aqueous Solutions by Using Selected Synthetic Ion Exchange Resins (Part II). Test, 2(2), 15–20.