Rozwój miejski – specyficzne aspekty miasta Suczawa napędzane przez kościoły prawosławne
Słowa kluczowe:
urbanistyka, morfologia, historyczność, kościół
The present paper is part of the doctoral research on the places where monastic churches created urban structures that have been preserved to this day in Suceava municipality. The article briefly presents the period from which are dated the oldest churches that have been preserved over time, namely in the 14th to 17th centuries. Natural continuity in the urban space does not mean either the destruction or the indiscriminate preservation of everything that is old, but, on the contrary, an integration between what is created new and what is useful as a material or spiritual value from the historical existing. In the configuration of the medieval city, the church was a polarizing reference point. In this sense, the topological field, as the urbanistic meaning of all religious architecture projects (monuments that have been preserved to this day) constitutes a totality of connected areas configured. Due to the urban texture, these areas are in reciprocal relations with the civic center. It can therefore be stated, based on the topological analysis, that the medieval religious architecture also has an important urban dimension. The founding activity on the territory of the city of Suceava, during the Middle Ages, materialized through a remarkable series of art and architecture monuments, of which, those that have survived to this day, make up a distinct compartment of the dowry of the national cultural heritage, being formed from only 11 churches that still exist today, from the 24 definitely registered in the documents issued by the royal chancellery.
Jak cytować
Gavril, A. G., & Agachi, M. I. (2024). Rozwój miejski – specyficzne aspekty miasta Suczawa napędzane przez kościoły prawosławne. Inżynieria Mineralna, 2(2).
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