Zrozumienie i rozwiązywanie problemów związanych z ochroną przed wilgocią na miejscu budowy w konstrukcjach drewnianych: kompleksowy przegląd niemieckich praktyk

  • Kai Schubert University of Applied Sciences Wismar
  • Claudia von University of Applied Sciences Wismar
  • Henning Bombeck University of Rostock
Słowa kluczowe: procesy montażowe, konstrukcje drewniane, koncepcja ochrony komponentów, koncepcja ochrony konstrukcji, przenikanie wody deszczowej


Wood is increasingly recognized as a sustainable building material due to its renewable nature and ability to sequester carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. As a result, timber construction is gaining popularity, offering environmental benefits and contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the construction sector. However, due to its biodegradability, moisture protection poses a significant challenge in timber construction, particularly during the assembly process, where inadequate protection measures can lead to long-term damage and compromise structural integrity. This study examines the processes that affect moisture protection in timber construction on the basis of site visits to 21 construction projects over the period of three years. During the visits, photographic documentation was created and a self-developed register was used to record the processes of assembly-related moisture protection in timber construction. The analysis focuses on wall and ceiling assemblies, documenting the implementation of moisture control strategies and identifying common sources of error. The study highlights the necessity of comprehensive design and implementation of moisture control measures to fully realize the benefits of timber construction. Furthermore, the study highlights the need for a comprehensive understanding of the processes of moisture ingress and drying in various types of timber construction. In addition, appropriate quality management and easily implementable practices are needed to address this critical point in the assembly process. The systematic investigation presented in this study aims to contribute to the understanding of moisture protection in wood construction and to identify areas for improvement in current practices.
