Wybrane zagadnienia metodyki pomiarowej w kontekście oceny wpływu drgań na ludzi w budynkach

  • Alicja Kowalska-Koczwara Cracow University of Technology, Warszawska 24St. 31-155 Kraków, Poland
  • Tadeusz Tatara Cracow University of Technology, Warszawska 24St. 31-155 Kraków, Poland
  • Filip Pachla Cracow University of Technology, Warszawska 24St. 31-155 Kraków, Poland
Słowa kluczowe: wibracje, percepcja człowieka, pomiary in-situ, wpływ wibracji na ludzi


"Vibrations transmitted through soil into buildings have the potential to inflict structural damage or accelerate the building's
degradation, while also exerting an influence on the occupants' comfort. These oscillations can elicit annoyance among
building inhabitants, and in extreme cases, manifest as disturbances in sleep patterns, headaches, and even neuropsychiatric
disorders. Particularly concerning are vibrations within the low-frequency spectrum, ranging from 5 to 25 Hz, as this
encompasses resonant frequencies of human internal organs. Despite extensive prior research efforts and the stipulations
delineated in regulatory standards, the comprehensive understanding of vibrations' impact on individuals within buildings
remains elusive, primarily due to the inherently subjective nature of vibrational perception among diverse individuals.
Evidenced by recent amendments in national standards and international ISO norms, ongoing adjustments underscore the
evolving comprehension of this phenomenon. The article comprehensively elucidates guidelines essential for the precise
execution and thorough analysis of measurements about the impact of vibrations on individuals situated within buildings that
passively receive such vibrations. These recommendations encapsulate a multifaceted approach, encompassing both the
requisite specifications for equipment and instrumentation as well as the judicious selection of measurement locations and the
meticulous scrutiny of recorded data. A pivotal facet in the measurement methodology of vibrations' impact on individuals
within buildings lies in the discerning selection of measurement point locales. Diverse standards proffer disparate directives in
this regard, thereby necessitating a comparative analysis elucidated within the article. Moreover, the article delves into the
intricacies of choosing the measurement range and applying corrective filters during analysis, underscoring their significance
in ensuring accuracy and reliability. Nonetheless, at the core of the methodology lies the critical determination of vibration
duration, an indispensable consideration for comprehensive analysis. Finally, the article addresses a crucial aspect
concerning data analysis: the frequency of sampling the recorded signal, which holds profound implications for the fidelity and
efficacy of subsequent analyses and interpretations. Through an exhaustive exploration of these facets, the article furnishes
invaluable insights into optimizing the methodology for evaluating the impact of vibrations on individuals within built
