Szacowanie czynników wydajności sejsmicznej dla układu dualnego składającego się z ram z usztywnieniami zapobiegającymi wyboczeniu oraz ram o pośrednich węzłach momentowych.
"Dual structural system is referred when two different lateral systems are combined together to provide the lateral force resisting
system for a building structure. For different structural and architectural reasons, dual systems are used in building structures.
The most common types of dual systems include special moment resisting frames (SMRF) combined with eccentric braced frames
(EBF) or buckling restrained braced frames (BRBF) in steel buildings and special reinforced concrete moment frames combined
with special reinforced concrete shear walls in reinforced concrete buildings. Buckling restrained braced frame is a lateral
framing system that are being used in high seismic zones. According to American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), a dual system
is permitted between buckling restrained braced frames (BRBF) and special moment resisting frames (SMRF) where SMRFs must
be capable of resisting at least 25% of prescribed seismic force. Conventionally, dual systems are utilized at high seismic zones.
For moderate seismic zones intermediate moment resisting frames (IMF) can be used instead of SMRF. But, ASCE does not
provide any guideline to assess the structural responses when a dual system combining BRBF and IMRF are used in buildings
located at moderate seismic zones. This research, shows a methodology to calculate the seismic parameters like Response
Modification Coefficient (R), Over-strength Factor (Ωo) and Deflection Amplification Factor (Cd) which are not described by
ASCE or FEMA guideline. Several archetypes of building structures are designed following FEMA guidelines with modified R as
trial values for different seismic zones. To validate the trial values for R, system over-strength and period-based ductility,
nonlinear 3D static (pushover) analyses were performed."
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