Sprawdzenie nośności na ścinanie ścian murowych zbrojonych jednocześnie poziomo i pionowo z wykorzystaniem wykresu interakcji VRd – NEd

  • Radosław Jasiński Laboratory of Civil Engineering Faculty and Department of Building Structures, Silesian University of Technology, Akademicka 5, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Słowa kluczowe: zbrojone konstrukcje murowe, ściany ścinane, nośność na ścinanie, wykres interakcji


"This paper describes principles of verifying load capacity of masonry walls subjected to horizontal and vertical loading in
accordance with EN 1996-1-1:2010 and the draft version of Eurocode 6 (prEN 1996-1-1:2017), As in the V method (where
only vertical reinforcement is present) or in the H method (where only horizontal reinforcement is present), the VH method
analyses simultaneously the vertical and horizontal reinforcement. The analysis included cases a, b, and c, which differed in
the distribution of normal stresses at the wall edges determining the form of equations for ultimate limit states (ULS).
Necessary equations for determining load capacity of a section against vertical load NEd are presented. There are also
representative VRd – NEd interaction diagrams."
