Współczynnik erozji gleby przy użyciu wielospektralnych wskaźników roślinności: Przykład zlewni rzeki Sarayardere (wschodnie Rodopy, Bułgaria)Wpływ zmian klimatu na środowisko zbudowane
Land cover/land use is one of the main factors influencing the development of soil erosion. It has been included in the calculation and modelling of erosion and sediment transport in many studies. In the current research NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) and NDRE (normalized difference red edge index) are used for quantifying the cover management factor (C-factor). They are calculated on the base of Sentinel 2 multispectral images. Taking into account the vegetation phenology two time points were analyzed: end of May - June – active vegetation and September (beginning of October) – late vegetation. The changes in the values of the indices were considered for 2018, 2021 and 2022. The study area is the watershed of the river Sarayardere, located in the southern part of Bulgaria. This is a hilly to low-mountain area, prone to erosion due to rare vegetation, high slope gradients and a relatively long dry period followed by intensive rainfall. The calculated values of the C-factor are indicators for higher susceptibility to erosion in September than it is in June. The spatial distribution of the C-factor shows different patterns. The results, received on the base of the image of September 2021, show increasing the areas with C-factor < 0.1 and these ones > 0.5, in comparison with the results of September 2018. C-factor values calculated on the image of October 2022 indicate the highest susceptibility to erosion. Using NDRE instead NDVI results in slightly higher values of the C-factor. The advantage of the NDRE index is that it provides information on the content of chlorophyll in the vegetation during the end of the vegetation period and allows a more accurate assessment of the state of the separate plants, regarding the determination of diseased or damaged plants. In addition to the vegetation indices, an expert evaluation of the state of vegetation was done. The results of the current study show that the watershed of the river Sarayardere is in a relatively good condition regarding the development of erosion processes. The attention should be directed to the possible increase of erosion on deforested slopes and the availability of loose materials, in case of intense rainfall.
Copyright (c) 2024 Valentina Nikolova,Miloslava Stefanova,Violeta Dimitrova

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