Sensory Network Monitoring the Air Condition, Installed in the Town of Litomerice

  • Josef DOUŠA VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mining and Geology, 17. listopadu Str. 15, 708 33 Ostrava - Poruba, Czech Republic
Keywords: sensors, monitoring network, protecting the city's environment


There is a strong transit car traffic in Litomerice. A monitoring network was installed in the town of Litomerice (Czech Republic, Usti nad Labem Region) to explore the condition and impact on the environment. This monitoring uses a network of sensors and data is centralized.
In this work we will deal with the evaluation of the two-year operation of this network and function description.

How to Cite
DOUŠA, J. (2020). Sensory Network Monitoring the Air Condition, Installed in the Town of Litomerice. Test, 2(1), 33–36.