The Barrocal - Dry Stone Technique and Construction

Keywords: dry stone, Photogrammetry, Barrocal area, heritage, vernacular architecture


This work aims to publish the dry stone heritage of the Barrocal region, Algarve, southern mainland Portugal. Throughout this work, it was discovered that these buildings are, for the most part, in ruins. Their rehabilitation and dissemination would be possible because they have a great cultural value and a sense of belonging to these places, among the population that still lives in this region. The methodology for carrying out this work was based on four phases: 1) contextualization of studies developed in Portugal; 2) identification and classification of dry stone constructions, according to their use and typology; 3) registration and analysis of these constructions with the aim of obtaining constructive and geometric data; 4) proposals for conservation and promotion, both of construction techniques and buildings.
How to Cite
Mallafrà, C., & Marçal Gonçalves, M. (2024). The Barrocal - Dry Stone Technique and Construction. Test, 2(2).