Test of Air Dust in the Mine Conditions during Operation of a Compact Dry Deduster Prototype

  • Zbigniew Kuczera AGH Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza
  • Rafał Łuczak AGH Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza
  • Piotr Życzkowski AGH Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza
  • Zbigniew Szkudlarek Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG
  • Marek Kalita Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG
  • Piotr Krawczyk Politechnika Warszawska
  • Piotr Chondrokostas 3N Solutions Sp. z o.o.
Keywords: air dust, air dust abatement, dry deduster, inhalable fraction, respirable fraction, UCT technology


In the article the problem of using an innovative solution for cleaning machines and equipment located in mining excavations using Underground
Cleaning Technology (UCT) is concerned. During cleaning, an under pressure gas mixture, consisting mainly of carbon dioxide
(dry ice), which sublimates and increases the cleaning efficiency, was fed. During the work, air dust from the presence of accumulation
of coal and stone dust in the excavation and dust emissions from the cleaning process was created. The results of measurements of dust
distribution at the workplace and its surroundings were presented in the article. The active methods to reduce air dust by a dry deduster
were used during the cleaning process. The research of the air stream at the inlet and outlet of the deduster was covered. Based on the in
situ measurements, the impact of the mining equipment cleaning method on the air condition in the excavation and the possibility of using
UCT technology in underground mines was assessed.
How to Cite
Kuczera, Z., Łuczak, R., Życzkowski, P., Szkudlarek, Z., Kalita, M., Krawczyk, P., & Chondrokostas, P. (2024). Test of Air Dust in the Mine Conditions during Operation of a Compact Dry Deduster Prototype. Test, 2(1), 203–210. https://doi.org/10.29227/IM-2024-01-110