Importance of Fossil Fuels in Finland's Energy Mix

  • Tadeusz OLKUSKI PhD Eng., Associate Professor of AGH University, AGH University of Krakow
  • Partrycja ZUBIEŃ Eng. , President of the ,,Nova Energia'' Student Research Group, AGH University of Krakow
Keywords: coal, oil, gas, wood, energy resources


The article presents the energy situation of Finland, with particular emphasis on energy resources. The introduction describes the
geographical location of Finland, the population, the political system, and the wealth of Finnish society against the background of
the European Union. Attention is paid to relatively low total and per capita carbon dioxide emissions. The energy mix, which is
overwhelmingly based on renewable energy sources and nuclear power, especially for electricity generation, is also presented. Despite
the fact that Finland has been focusing on increasing the share of renewables in its energy mix for years, as well as developing nuclear
power plants, to ensure a continuous supply of energy, it is necessary to import both electricity itself and energy raw materials, with a
particular focus on fossil fuels. The main part of the article focuses on presenting the consumption of crude oil, natural gas, and coal
in the years 1980–2022. The directions of imports of these energy sources, which have changed after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, are
also shown. Ensuring a continuous supply of energy resources from economically and politically stable countries will ensure Finland's
energy security and development opportunities in the coming years.
How to Cite
OLKUSKI, T., & ZUBIEŃ, P. (2024). Importance of Fossil Fuels in Finland’s Energy Mix. Test, 2(1), 197–202.