"Pneumatic Seismic Source for Monitoring Velocity Changes of Seismic Waves in Underground Coal Mining Conditions"

  • Przemysław SIERODZKI mgr inż.; CTTEMAG Sp. z o.o. w Katowicach, Politechnika Śląska w Gliwicach
  • Leszek REMIORZ dr hab. inż. prof. w PolSl; Politechnika Śląska w Gliwicach
  • Zbigniew ISAKOW dr hab. inż.; CTTEMAG Sp. z o.o. w Katowicach
  • Rafał CZARNY dr inż.; Uniwersytet Stanowy Pensylwanii, State College
  • Mateusz ĆWIĘKAŁA mgr inż.; PGG S.A. Oddział KWK ROW Ruch Rydułtowy
Keywords: seismic source, seismic hazard in mine, rockburst, mining-induced seismic events, seismic mon-itoring system


In the article, the concept and the first test of the seismic source WBZ Type 2 were presented. The idea is to construct the seismic source
tailored for underground measurement requirements, including intrinsically safety demand. The source will be triggered every few minutes
or less, which gives the ability to track seismic velocity changes with high accuracy in time. Quasi-continuous measurement allows to
monitor stress field changes, and in consequence, reduce the hazard of rockburst. The WZB type 2 will be compatible with the ARES-5/E
seismic system.
How to Cite
SIERODZKI, P., REMIORZ, L., ISAKOW, Z., CZARNY, R., & ĆWIĘKAŁA, M. (2024). "Pneumatic Seismic Source for Monitoring Velocity Changes of Seismic Waves in Underground Coal Mining Conditions". Test, 2(1), 175–180. https://doi.org/10.29227/IM-2024-01-106