Increasing the Efficiency of Froth Flotation to Maximize Production of Coking Coal Concentrates in the Aspect of Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

  • Daniel KOWOL KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  • Piotr MATUSIAK KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  • Sebastian JENDRYSIK KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  • Agata CZARDYBON Institute of Energy and Fuel Processing Technology, 41-803 Zabrze, Poland
  • Karina IGNASIAK Institute of Energy and Fuel Processing Technology, 41-803 Zabrze, Poland
  • Joanna BIGDA Institute of Energy and Fuel Processing Technology, 41-803 Zabrze, Poland
Keywords: mineral resources, coking coal, froth flotation, efficiency of the process


Coking coal, due to its limited availability and the role and importance of steel as a raw material, essential in almost all industries,
has been on the list of critical raw materials in the EU for many years. The article presents the results of laboratory tests of impact of
the selected factors (feed parameters, process parameters, reagents) on the effectiveness of flotation, which is a commonly used method
for beneficiation of fine coking coal grains. The large number of variables and significant differences in results clearly indicate the
need for more detailed tests before each new application of flotation beneficiation technology. Selection of parameters that guarantee
maximization of production from the point of view of rational and sustainable management of resources while minimizing the negative
impact of the effects of this process on the environment should be the result of these tests.
How to Cite
KOWOL, D., MATUSIAK, P., JENDRYSIK, S., CZARDYBON, A., IGNASIAK, K., & BIGDA, J. (2024). Increasing the Efficiency of Froth Flotation to Maximize Production of Coking Coal Concentrates in the Aspect of Sustainable Management of Natural Resources. Test, 2(1), 125–134.