River Cross-Section Addition from the Google Earth Engine in Downstream of the Ba River

Keywords: Google Earth Engine, river cross-section, Ba river basin


Riverbed depth is the main and essential data to conduct hydrodynamic modeling research. Typically, riverbed topography data is
collected directly from cross-sections arranged along the river at relatively distant intervals. This paper presents the results of applying
Google Earth Engine technology and high-resolution Sentinel 2 remote sensing images combined with digital elevation model data
and field-measured cross-sections to supplement the cross-sections of the downstream Ba River. The reliability of the cross-sections
obtained using this technology has been verified against actual measurements at several locations on the mainstream of the Ba River.
The research results indicate that most of the interpolated cross-sections are consistent with the actual measured data.

How to Cite
NGUYEN, B. D., & DANG, T. M. (2024). River Cross-Section Addition from the Google Earth Engine in Downstream of the Ba River. Test, 2(1), 35–40. https://doi.org/10.29227/IM-2024-01-90