Assessment of the Risk of the Accidental Initiation of Semi-Fabricated Products Containing Pyrotechnic Articles with a Technical Destination in the Automotive Field

  • Ilie Ciprian Jitea National Institute for Research and Development in Mine Safety and Protection to Explosion –INSEMEX. Department of Safety of Explosion and Pyrotechnic Articles, G-ral V. Milea Street 32-34, Petrosani, Romania
  • Bogdan Garaliu-Bușoi National Institute for Research and Development in Mine Safety and Protection to Explosion –INSEMEX. Department of Safety of Explosion and Pyrotechnic Articles, G-ral V. Milea Street 32-34, Petrosani, Romania
  • Cristian Rădeanu National Institute for Research and Development in Mine Safety and Protection to Explosion –INSEMEX. Department of Safety of Explosion and Pyrotechnic Articles, G-ral V. Milea Street 32-34, Petrosani, Romania
  • Robert Laszlo National Institute for Research and Development in Mine Safety and Protection to Explosion –INSEMEX. Department of Safety of Explosion and Pyrotechnic Articles, G-ral V. Milea Street 32-34, Petrosani, Romania
  • Gabriel Vasilescu National Institute for Research and Development in Mine Safety and Protection to Explosion –INSEMEX. Department of Safety of Explosion and Pyrotechnic Articles, G-ral V. Milea Street 32-34, Petrosani, Romania
Keywords: assessment of the risk, semi-fabricated products, pyrotechnic articles, automotive field


The identification of the danger of accidental initiation, respectively the establishment of the causes and the possibilities that can generate the triggering of pyrotechnic devices with a technical destination in the automotive field containing pyrotechnic articles of the P1 category, is carried out for each piece of equipment depending on the phases of the technological process of their manufacture. The protection against the accidental initiation of pyrotechnic devices intended for equipping auto vehicles is of particular interest for occupational safety in the manufacturing process of these types of products, because their triggering can endanger the life and health of workers as a result of the uncontrollable effects of functioning, with the generation of thermal and dynamic effects, as well as the emission of toxic reaction products that can affect the human component and/or destroy the work space. The paper highlights the way to analyse the risk of accidental initiation of pyrotechnic devices actuator type from the P1 category, using the latest generation technical-scientific tools in order to computerize the effects following their untimely triggering and establish the safety distances in relation to the amplitude of the degree of damage to the human component, respectively the destruction caused to the work space. In the case of pyrotechnic articles from category P1 type pyrotechnic actuator, the main risks of their accidental initiation are determined by the following technical factors: the production of an electrical discharge greater than 25 KV, the generation of a current with an intensity greater than 0.4 A at the terminals pyrotechnic device, their exposure to a temperature higher than 165°C. The main effects generated after the untimely initiations of these products are determined by: flame, thermal radiation, dynamic pressure waves, projected fragments and hazardous releases of chemical combustion products. Depending on the results obtained following the estimation and assessment of the assessed risks, preventive and countermeasures of a technical and organizational nature are established, in order to secure the predicTab. operations of specific operations with these types of products.

How to Cite
Jitea, I. C., Garaliu-Bușoi, B., Rădeanu, C., Laszlo, R., & Vasilescu, G. (2024). Assessment of the Risk of the Accidental Initiation of Semi-Fabricated Products Containing Pyrotechnic Articles with a Technical Destination in the Automotive Field. Test, 1(1), 559–568.