Analysis of the Stress of Reinforced Concrete Pillars as Affected by the Stiffness of the Subsoil

  • Norbert Jendzelovsky STU in Bratislava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Radlinského 11, Bratislava 810 05, Slovak Republic
Keywords: analysis, stress, reinforced concrete pillars, stiffness, subsoil


The paper presents a numerical analysis of the internal forces in the wall pillars of an apartment building. The analysis was done with different types of elastic support of the structure. Elastic support of the structure was implemented using a foundation plate on flexible subsoil. In the conclusion, different values of internal forces are analyzed.

How to Cite
Jendzelovsky, N. (2024). Analysis of the Stress of Reinforced Concrete Pillars as Affected by the Stiffness of the Subsoil. Test, 1(1), 203–209.