Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Model for the Optimal Mine Closure Option to Contribute to Sustainable Development in Binh Duong Province, Vietnam

  • Hong Viet PHAN Department of Industry and Trade, Binh Duong, Vietnam
  • Ngoc Tuoc DO Institute of Mining Science and Technology - Vinacomin, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Xuan Nam BUI Innovations for Sustainable and Responsible Mining Research Group (ISRM), Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam
Keywords: mine closure, fuzzy multi-attribute decision, sustainable development


Binh Duong is the leading industry development province of Vietnam. In particular, quarries in Di An, Phu Giao and Tan Dong Hiep
districts have contributed significantly to the demand for construction and transportation in the locality and vicinity. The quarries in
Binh Duong province are exploited by the open-pit mining method. The mining depth is from 100m to 150 m. The mine surface area
is hundreds of hectares. At the end of the quarries will leave huge pits. The current regulations of Vietnam on mine closure are mainly
aimed at ensuring the stability of the physical and chemical factors of the mine, while the land use after the mine closure is permanent.
Binh Duong province has a rapid urbanization rate, the use of land after mining here is very important and has a significant influence
on the sustainable development of the region. Depending on the occupied area of the mine or mine cluster, there are many options
to close the mine after mining based on the required technical, economic, social and environmental criteria. The paper uses fuzzy
multi-attribute decision model to calculate the optimal solution selection. The selected option is to use the mine lake for tourism,
entertainment and water storage at Nui Nho mine, Di An city, Binh Duong province with the highest total score of economic, social
and environmental criteria.

How to Cite
PHAN, H. V., DO, N. T., & BUI, X. N. (2023). Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Model for the Optimal Mine Closure Option to Contribute to Sustainable Development in Binh Duong Province, Vietnam. Test, 1(2 (52), 249–256. https://doi.org/10.29227/IM-2023-02-38