Research on Electric Leakage Protection to Improve Electrical Safety in Underground Mining in Vietnam

  • Truong Giang NGUYEN Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Thac Khanh NGUYEN Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Xuan Cuong NGO School of Engineering and Technology, Hue University, Thua Thien Hue, Vietnam
  • Nhuy DO Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam
Keywords: electrical safety, conversion devices, mine power network, leakage protection


To ensure safety in underground mining, it is imperative to equip yourself with electric leakage protection. Today, underground mines are
gaining a high degree of mechanization and using more power electronics to enhance the operation and organization of power supplies,
including the application of power electronics for DC power transmission in mining. i.e., separate the rectifier (AC-DC) from the inverter
(DC-AC) with a long DC cable. The transmission of DC power changes the structure of the mine power network; then there will appear
a power network with an industrial frequency of 50 Hz, a DC power network, and a power network after the variable frequency inverter.
Due to the mutual interaction between DC power networks and AC power networks, leakage protection devices are unreliable, causing
unsafe conditions in mining. The content of the article is to determine the leakage current in the power network when using converters
in DC power transmission in mining. The research results are the basis for calculating and selecting leakage protection equipment for the
purpose of improving safety in underground mining in Vietnam.

How to Cite
NGUYEN, T. G., NGUYEN, T. K., NGO, X. C., & DO, N. (2023). Research on Electric Leakage Protection to Improve Electrical Safety in Underground Mining in Vietnam. Test, 1(2 (52), 209–214.