Gas Hydrate Detection Based on High Resolution Seismic Data in the Southeastern Offshore of Vietnam

  • Thanh TAN Mai Hanoi University of Mining and Geology/HUMG
  • Thanh HA Mai PetroVietnam Exploration and Production Corporation/PVEP
  • Quoc HUY Nguyen Center for Planing and Investigation of Marine resources-environment/CPIM
  • Nhu TRUNG Nguyen Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, VAST
Keywords: gas hydrate, high resolution seismic, Gas Hydrate Stability Zones/GHSZ, Bottom Simulated Reflector/BSR


Gas hydrates are the accumulations of methane (natural gas) trapped in ice-like structures with water. Gas hydrates represent an immense
energy resource underlying large portions of the world’s marine continental shelves. Vietnam has a large continental shelf area, in the deep
water zone with suitable low temperatures and high pressure, which is suitable for the formation and existence of potential energy source
of Gas Hydrate (GH).
The application of High-Resolution Seismic method (HRS) plays an important role in exploring for Gas Hydrate. The enhancement of
HRS research such as optimal short - reception conditions and advanced data processing suitable for Gas Hydrate in shallow layers below
the seafloor, allows for determining the geological factors related to Gas Hydrate’s existence in the deep water area. Advancements in data
processing technology, such as noise filters (Radon, F-K, SRMA, Tau-P..), seismic attributes analysis, seismic migration, AVO, seismic
inversion, pre-stack seismic data and AI technology … allow to identify of the signs of Gas Hydrate presence, such as Bottom Simulated
Reflector (BSR), Gas Hydrate Stability Zone (GHSZ), Pockmark, Chimney, etc.
This paper presents some of the results obtained from applying High-Resolution Seismic method to predict the distribution of Gas hydrate
in the Southeastern offshore of Vietnam.

How to Cite
Mai, T. T., Mai, T. H., Nguyen, Q. H., & Nguyen, N. T. (2023). Gas Hydrate Detection Based on High Resolution Seismic Data in the Southeastern Offshore of Vietnam. Test, 1(2 (52), 137–142.