Challenges to the Development of Unconventional Natural Gas – The Case of Shale Gas

  • Minh Thong LE Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnam
  • Van Hiep TRAN Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnam
  • Huu Tung DO Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnam
Keywords: unconventional gas, shale gas, challenge


The world is undergoing a radical transition to a low-carbon economy and natural gas is considered an important bridge in the transition
of energy in the world. The potential for natural gas, especially unconventional gas, is very large, which will significantly affect the future
energy structure in all regions of the world. However, the conditions for developing these resources are different between regions and
countries. The development of unconventional gas is now facing many challenges, even opposition because the problem of extracting
unconventional gas is very complex and the total impact is unknown. Therefore, at present, the expansion of unconventional gas remains
a question for countries that possess and desire to exploit these resources. This article will analyze the opportunity and challenges of
unconventional gas relying on the development of shale gas in recently.

How to Cite
LE, M. T., TRAN, V. H., & DO, H. T. (2023). Challenges to the Development of Unconventional Natural Gas – The Case of Shale Gas. Test, 1(2 (52), 113–120.