Geological Controls on Evolution of Submarine Channels in Song Hong Basin, Offshore Vietnam

  • Anh Ngoc Le Petroleum Geology Department, Faculty of Petroleum and Energy, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology; Basin, stratigraphy and sedimentary process group (BSSP), Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, 18 Vien Street - Duc Thang Ward - Bac Tu Liem District - Ha Noi – Vietnam
  • Hoa Minh NGUYEN Petroleum Geology Department, Faculty of Petroleum and Energy, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology; Basin, stratigraphy and sedimentary process group (BSSP), Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, 18 Vien Street - Duc Thang Ward - Bac Tu Liem District - Ha Noi – Vietnam
  • Muoi Duy NGUYEN Petroleum Geology Department, Faculty of Petroleum and Energy, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology; Basin, stratigraphy and sedimentary process group (BSSP), Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, 18 Vien Street - Duc Thang Ward - Bac Tu Liem District - Ha Noi – Vietnam
  • Ngan Bui THI Petroleum Geology Department, Faculty of Petroleum and Energy, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology; Basin, stratigraphy and sedimentary process group (BSSP), Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, 18 Vien Street - Duc Thang Ward - Bac Tu Liem District - Ha Noi – Vietnam
Keywords: Song Hong basin, submarine channels, channel complex, 3D seismic


Song Hong basin is a very large basin with complicated onshore to offshore geological structure. The basin comprises the pre-Tertiary
basement and Kainozoi sequences. This study focused on the evolution of submarine channel in Miocene sequence. The study interval is
the major reservoir of the basin characterized as submarine channel complex and lower to Middle Miocene carbonates with the porosity
of 15–25%. The channel is highly eroded into the substrate with c. 7 km wide and 20 km long, trending northwest-southeast. They are
‘U’ to ‘V’ shape, sub-parallel to deep faults which reactivated in the Early and Mid-Late Miocene. The channel deposit is characterized
by cut and fill architecture and can be seen as high amplitude, bi-directional downlap. The channels are likely to be controlled by the
two inverted phases in Late Oligocene and Middle-Late Miocene. The tectonic events are not only controls the flow directions but also
modified the shape of the channels. The occurrence of well-developed submarine channel give a great hydrocarbon potential for the
Song Hong basin.

How to Cite
Le, A. N., NGUYEN, H. M., NGUYEN, M. D., & THI, N. B. (2023). Geological Controls on Evolution of Submarine Channels in Song Hong Basin, Offshore Vietnam. Test, 1(2 (52), 7–2.