Technological Solutions for Increasing the Efficiency of Beneficiation Processes at the Mining of Titanium-Zirconium Deposits

  • Oleksii LOZHNIKOV DUT Dnipro University of Technology, Institute of Nature Management, Department of Surface Mining, Dmytro Yavornytsky ave. 19, Dnipro, Ukraine
  • Borys SOBKO DUT Dnipro University of Technology, Institute of Nature Management, Department of Surface Mining, Dmytro Yavornytsky ave. 19, Dnipro, Ukraine
  • Artem PAVLYCHENKO DUT Dnipro University of Technology, Institute of Nature Management, Department of Ecology and Technology of Environmental Protection, Dmytro Yavornytsky ave. 19, Dnipro, Ukraine
Keywords: surface mining, titanium and zirconium deposits, mining technology, ore beneficiation, accompany minerals


The article is devoted to the issue of effective use of associated minerals at the development of titanium-zirconium ore deposits. Since deposits of sedimentary titanium-zirconium ores have large areas, hundreds of million tons of mining mass are transformed into man-caused formations during their exploitation. Of the entire volume of mining mass, only 1% after beneficiation is used for the production of metal titanium, the rest of the mining rocks are stored in dumps and tailings. The use of resource-saving technological solutions at the development of these deposits allows obtaining loam, clay and sand as accompanying minerals. They can be used for the manufacture of brick products, molding and construction sand, sub-base layers in construction works and cosmetic materials. A significant part of sand and clay rocks in titanium-zirconium deposits is in a mixed state and cannot be effectively used without additional a technological solution, that is why it is placed in bulk tailings storage facilities. The article provides the rationale solutions for resource-saving technological that allow during the process of titanium-zirconium ores beneficiation to separate clay rocks from sand within the pit, which allows to obtain additional volumes of titanium-zirconium components and associated minerals for the building industry and reduce the land area required for the location of tailings storage facilities.

How to Cite
LOZHNIKOV, O., SOBKO, B., & PAVLYCHENKO, A. (2023). Technological Solutions for Increasing the Efficiency of Beneficiation Processes at the Mining of Titanium-Zirconium Deposits. Test, 1(1 (51), 61–68.