Investigation of Unexploded Aircraft Ammunition from WW2 in Connection with Construction Proceedings

  • Václav Šafář VŠB TU Ostrava
  • Hana Staňková
  • Jiří Pospíšil VŠB TU Ostrava
  • Maria Budayová Primis spol. s r.o
Keywords: aircraft, ammunition, AR, misfire


In the period 1939–1946, the territory of the Czech Republic was mapped for the purpose of renewing topographic maps of the territory
of the Third Reich, and aerial reconnaissance (AR) of the CR territory was also carried out by the Allies. The AR was conducted in
two directions. The first was to search for enemy targets, and the second was to verify the results of bombing these targets. Allied data
indicated that up to 20% of the bombs did not explode. This unexploded aerial ammunition is to this day a threat to construction in
the outskirts of towns and cities. This paper discusses the procedures for processing archival aerial photographs of bombed areas in the
Czech Republic and the identification of unexploded ammunition on these images.

How to Cite
Šafář, V., Staňková, H., Pospíšil, J., & Budayová, M. (2022). Investigation of Unexploded Aircraft Ammunition from WW2 in Connection with Construction Proceedings. Test, 1(1 (49), 43–49.