Changes in the Image of Sedimentary Enrichment Resulting from the Analysis of the Operation of the Probabilistic Model of the Distribution of the Density Layers in the Jig Bed

  • Stanisław GŁOWIAK Zakład Automatyki „BGG”
Keywords: hard coal enrichment, jig, dispersion of grains, modeling of the jig operation, experimental testing of grains dispersion in the jig


This paper presents the results of tests carried out in a laboratory batch jig that allows to compare the results of the experimental
stratification with the modeling results using the probabilistic model of the discrete density distribution of the layers of the jig bed.
The distributions of the layers with the given densities obtained from the experiment were compared in detail with the distributions
obtained in the model for the same composition of the tested material. Two parameters of this model, determining the quality of
enriching in each proven case, fall within the actual range of assessments of known ratings of industrial jigs. Checking of the model
shows a very good possibility of its adjustment to the experimental data, which confirms the usefulness of this model as a good tool for
forecasting the enrichment results in jigs.

How to Cite
GŁOWIAK, S. (2022). Changes in the Image of Sedimentary Enrichment Resulting from the Analysis of the Operation of the Probabilistic Model of the Distribution of the Density Layers in the Jig Bed. Test, 1(1 (49), 13–26.