The Possibilities of Utilising Postoptimal Analysis for the Decision-Making on the Trends and Concentration of Coal Sales

  • Dariusz Fuksa dr hab. inż., prof. AGH; AGH University of Science and Technology, Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland; email:
Keywords: Simplex algorithm, optimization, post-optimal analysis


When developing optimal coal production and sales plans for coal mines, one is often faced with the necessity to modify them, which
implies the rationality of such plans. This is achieved through postoptimal analysis, which allows coal mines’ production plans, formally
optimal, to be modified. The article presents the possibilities of utilising postoptimal analysis developed as part of a method for the
rationalisation of production decisions with regard to the management of a coal company. The algorithms resulting from this analysis,
accompanied by examples of their practical application, illustrate the possibility of presenting the economic effects of adjustments, if
any, quantitatively, which also includes adapting the coal production and sales plans to actual demand, both in terms of quantity and
quality. The provided examples of adjustments to the optimal plan concern the “producer-recipient” relationship and the concentration
of coal sales.

How to Cite
Fuksa, D. (2022). The Possibilities of Utilising Postoptimal Analysis for the Decision-Making on the Trends and Concentration of Coal Sales. Test, 2(2).