Reduction of Pollution During Composite Machining

  • Jan RAŠKA PWR Composite s.r.o., Sadová 1892/41, 702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
  • Libor HLAVÁČ PWR Composite s.r.o., Sadová 1892/41, 702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
  • Adam ŠTEFEK PWR Composite s.r.o., Sadová 1892/41, 702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
  • Martin TYČ PWR Composite s.r.o., Sadová 1892/41, 702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
Keywords: composite, abrasive water jet, cutting, turning, pollution


Machining of composite materials through classical way, i.e. using conventional tools for turning, drilling, milling, grinding and polishing, produces a lot of very small particles - dust. These particles enter the air, because machining should be performed with a minimum
of sprinkling to protect composite material properties and to avoid delamination or swelling. Sometimes, even some burning of epoxide
used as binder takes place during machining. Dust produced during machining of the composite material might have negative impact
on health and may cause explosion. Skin inflammation or inhalation of the toxic epoxide resin, are some of the examples. Common
solution of this problem is suction of particles and fume using machines creating negative pressure. Subsequent removing of these
harmful substances from air is quite demanding and expensive. Moreover, using of common suction systems is many times less efficient than declared by producers.This contribution presents a new way of fighting with pollution caused by composite machining. The
alternative machining tool for composite machining is abrasive water jet (AWJ). This tool is efficient in all basic machining processes
and produces in air only about 1% of dangerous pollution comparing to classical tools. Progress of the AWJ machining system based
on robot as a movement device is presented and the first results are commented. The main attention is aimed at machining quality
possibilities. However, a part of the contemporary research focused on pollution suppression is also presented in the contribution.

How to Cite
RAŠKA, J., HLAVÁČ, L., ŠTEFEK, A., & TYČ, M. (2020). Reduction of Pollution During Composite Machining. Test, 2(1), 175–`178.