Memrystor na bazie HfO2-HfOx z warstwami aktywnymi o różnych rozmiarach
Memristore parameters are strongly depend on the size of active layers. In this paper is reported the outcomes of memristore created with different size active layers. There are considered 1μ, 5μ and 10μ diameter separated devices in the form of crossbar with HfO2 + HfOx active layer and tungsten top contact, titanium nitride botton contact and aluminum wiring contact. As substrate was used sapphire and active layers of memristore was deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering technology. With photolithography exposure system by new pothomask has been done 1μ, 5μ and 10μ diameter lithography for formation active layers and all contacts. Leakage currents dropped to 0.01mA, increased cicles of histeresis of I-V curves and dramatically increased Roff /Ron ratio to be 100000.
Copyright (c) 2024 Amiran Bibilashvili,Zurab Kushitashvili,Larisa Jangidze
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