Analiza stosunku powierzchni okien do ścian w fasadach szkół w Żupanii osijecko-barańskiej w Chorwacji
"This study investigates the relationship between Window-to-Wall Ratio (WWR) and energy consumption in educational
buildings, focusing on elementary and high schools in Osijek-Baranja County in Croatia. Given the substantial energy
consumption associated with buildings and the imperative to mitigate environmental impact, early design decisions are crucial
in shaping building performance. However, limited research exists on the energy performance of educational buildings despite
their significance in providing conducive learning environments and promoting environmental consciousness among students.
The analysis reveals a significant variability in WWR values and a strong link between WWR and cooling energy
consumption, highlighting the impact of architectural design on energy demands in educational buildings. The findings
underscore the importance of optimizing WWR to minimize energy consumption and enhance indoor comfort in educational
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