Optimizing Dry Ultrafine Grinding of Talc in Attritor Mill

  • S.E. EL-MOFTY Mining, Petroleum, and Metallurgy Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Postal code 12613, Cairo, Egypt
  • A.M. ELBENDARI Central Metallurgical R&D Institute, P.O. Box 87, Helwan, Cairo, Egypt
  • A.A. EL-MIDANY Mining, Petroleum, and Metallurgy Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Postal code 12613, Cairo, Egypt
  • M.K. ABDEL-RAHMAN Central Metallurgical R&D Institute, P.O. Box 87, Helwan, Cairo, Egypt
Keywords: dry grinding, ultra-fine grinding, attritor mill, statistical design, talc


In this work, the parameters affecting the dry grinding of talc in the attritor mill were investigated. The attritor was tested with its initial
design without balls then with balls as additional grinding media to prepare a feed passing 45 microns. The prepared feed (-45 mm)
was used to produce a product with 10 μm or less using statistical design in presence of balls. The presence of balls enhances product
fineness. The significance of the studied factors is: stirrer speed>mill filling >grinding time. In addition, the d50 was correlated with
studied factors. The mean particle size (d50) as low as 6 μm was obtained at 460 rpm, 20% mill filling, and after 60 min grinding time.

How to Cite
EL-MOFTY, S., ELBENDARI, A., EL-MIDANY, A., & ABDEL-RAHMAN, M. (2023). Optimizing Dry Ultrafine Grinding of Talc in Attritor Mill. Test, 1(2 (52), 361–366. https://doi.org/10.29227/IM-2023-02-04