Survey and Assessment of the Safety of Laser Radiation Source Used in the Garment Industry

  • T.T.T. MAI Faculty of Environment and Labour Safety, Ton Duc Thang University
  • T.N. VO Branch of National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health in the South Vietnam
Keywords: garment industry, laser radiation, laser safety, laser machines, safety standard


Laser power source is a new energy source that is being widely used in industrial production. Therefore, the issue of safety in the use and operation of equipment using this energy source needs to be concerned. In this research, we conduct a survey on the use of laser energy-emitting devices and machines in the garment industry to ensure safety when using and measure the laser power of the devices. This equipment at the working positions of employees is then compared with ANSI laser safety standards to consider the safety of workers when operating these devices, so that timely solutions can be taken to ensure safety when working with equipment that emits laser energy. Because there is currently no safety standard for using lasers in Vietnam, through the process of surveying and measuring laser radiation, we found that these devices always have potential dangers that can cause damage to the environment. workers during work.
Therefore, to ensure the safety of workers when working with these devices, we have also compiled a set of safety manuals for using laser energy to supply factories to ensure safety. Workers when working with these devices. We have also compiled a draft of the standard for safe use of industrial lasers to submit to the authorities in Vietnam for the promulgation of Vietnamese standards on the safe use of industrial lasers. With the fabric laser machine, the laser radiation intensity is from 233.0 µ to 253.4 µ and the average value is 245.3 µ Laser Flexi-Pro machine, the laser radiation intensity is from 173.5 µ to 196.0 µ and the average value is 187.3 µ Laser Jeanologia-Twin HS Machine, the laser radiation intensity is from 255.8 µ to 279.2 µ and the average value is 270.7 µ Laser Flexi-Denim machine, the laser radiation intensity is from 189.4 µ to 343.0 µ and the average value is 292.8 µ

How to Cite
MAI, T., & VO, T. (2023). Survey and Assessment of the Safety of Laser Radiation Source Used in the Garment Industry . Test, 1(2 (50), 91–98.