Innowacyjne podejście do wskaźników wrażliwości na niezawodność konstrukcji
"This article investigates the development of novel sensitivity indices for global sensitivity analysis with a focus on structural
reliability. Through global sensitivity analysis, the reliability of structural steel components is assessed, contrasting two
methodologies: one predicated on conditional mean values and the other on the conditional median of the reliability function. The
research centers on the influence of input random variables on the ultimate limit state of a steel beam. Sensitivity indices are
calculated via a double-nested-loop simulation utilizing the Latin Hypercube Sampling method. Analytical test cases and tailored
sampling strategies are implemented to ensure rapid response times and advanced estimation of sensitivity indices. The
comparison elucidates the strengths and weaknesses of various global sensitivity indices, enhancing the reliability analysis of
structures. This comparative study underscores global sensitivity analysis as a valuable tool for pinpointing critical input variables
that significantly affect the reliability and limit states of structures, thereby advancing the field of structural reliability analysis."
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