Wpływ wibracji wywołanych ruchem drogowym na budynki i ludzi w budynkach
"The article talks about the very intricate connection between traffic vibrations and their impact on the masonry buildings and their
residents. The paper highlights that the vibrations that come from traffic can affect the building and cause serious structural
problems like cracks and deformations that compromise the safety of the building and can be harmful to its occupiers. These series
of vibrations also act as a major cause of discomfort and health issues for the occupants of the vehicles, including painful
headaches, stress, and sleeping disturbances. To limit these effects, the article draws attention to the development of effective
strategies such as the addition of dampers or insulators to the building foundation or the strengthening of the structural elements.
However, there still exists a gap in the research in this area, and more studies should be conducted to provide more knowledge of
the problem and the viable solutions. In general, the article underlines the necessity of solving this problem to save the buildings
and their residents from the bad outcomes of vibrations."
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