Praktyczny pomiar technologią GNSS za pomocą odbiorników EMLID i SOKKIA oraz ich porównanie
"The practical measurement and comparison of GNSS technologies from SOKKIA and EMLID receivers is only a demonstration of
how GNSS surveying technology with accuracy of a few centimetres can be used effectively in conditions of the Czech Republic.
Czech surveyors use GNSS technology primarily as a simple data collection in open terrain - it cannot be used in buildings. Most
often they are simple measurements such as terrain surveying for the designer, surveying for the purposes of land registry, laying
out constructions and others. There are several methods for determination of position, i.e. location in defined reference coordinate
and height systems (in the Czech Republic they are S-JTSK and Bpv), according to receiver’s software using networked RTK
method (corrections from providers of network of reference stations - such as TOPNET, CZEPOS, and others) or RTK base –
rover method or fast static method. The task is to compare the measurement time intervals from each technology and the accuracy
of the measurement on the known points of the Czech national trigonometric network. At the end the financial comparison of both
technologies is presented."
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