Wpływ parametrów geometrycznych na siły wewnętrzne w ścianach zbiorników prostopadłościennych

  • Anna Szymczak-Graczyk Department of Construction and Geoengineering, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poznań, Poland
  • Tomasz Garbowski Department of Biosystems Engineering, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poznań, Poland
  • Barbara Ksit Institute of Building Engineering, Poznan University of Technology, Poznań, Poland
Słowa kluczowe: zbiorniki prostokątne, metoda różnic skończonych, ściany o przekroju trapezowym, zmienna grubość ścian


"Rectangular tanks are commonly used in various industries for storing materials and products. The design of reinforced concrete
liquid tanks, which must be preceded by a static analysis, is a complex issue requiring specialized knowledge and engineering
experience. All types of actions, design situations, and resulting load combinations must be considered, including deformations caused
by temperature gradients and the interaction of the bottom plate with the ground. Most tanks are designed and constructed with
constant wall thickness, regardless of their rectangular or circular cross-section. However, tanks with variable wall thickness (e.g.,
trapezoidal cross-section) are rarely designed, despite their optimal fit to stress distribution. For hydrostatically loaded tanks, the load
on walls increases with depth, causing the highest bending moments at the wall-bottom connection, while the value at the top, free
edge is zero. Thus, structural and economic considerations favour walls with thickness increasing with depth. This article presents the
results of a verification of static calculations of a monolithic rectangular tank with trapezoidal cross-section walls, comparing it with
three other commonly designed tanks with different thickness and wall designs. Static calculations were performed using the finite
difference method in terms of energy, employing the condition for the minimum energy of elastic strain stored in a bent plate resting on
the elastic base. Traditional calculation methods were used by discretizing the object and creating systems of equations. Analysis of
the results shows that constructing walls of linearly variable thickness results in a redistribution of bending moments compared to
tanks with uniform wall thickness. This significantly impacts the required reinforcement area. Tanks with linearly variable wall
thickness are more economical in terms of material use, aligning with the principles of sustainable construction."
