Analiza delaminacji w półpierścieniach połączonych z nieliniowymi sprężynami skrętnymi o właściwościach elastycznych

  • Victor Rizov Department of Technical Mechanics, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, 1 Chr. Smirnensky Blvd., 1046 Sofia, Bulgaria
Słowa kluczowe: struktura półpierścienia, delaminacja, sprężyny skrętne, nieliniowość materiału


"The current paper is focused on analysis of delamination of a semiring engineering structure attached to non-linear elastic
torsional springs that are situated in the semiring plane. The semiring has arbitrary number of circumferential layers made of nonlinear
viscoelastic materials that are inhomogeneous along the thickness. The semiring undergoes time-dependent bending
rotation at a given cross-section. The delamination is treated from view point of the strain energy release rate (SERR). A
methodology for determination of the SERR in semirings attached to torsional springs is worked out on the basis of analysis of the
energy balance. The results yielded by this methodology are verified by extracting the SERR from the complementary strain
energy. The study presented in the paper provides useful insights into delamination performance of semiring engineering
structures which is a premise for enhancing the structural reliability. The effects of various parameters of the semiring geometry,
inhomogeneity of layers, non-linear constitutive laws of torsional springs, external loading, number of springs and their locations
are examined and clarified."
