Badania optymalnych schematów wentylacji dla sal lekcyjnych
"The subject of this article's review is air distribution within a group of rooms (a model of groups of rooms is given in the
article). For this group of premises, it is necessary to distribute air that will meet modern comfort requirements (temperature
gradient, volume of supplied air, absence of noise and vibration), and also maintain the aesthetic architectural integrity of the
premises. In order to ensure the necessary indoor climate parameters, it is necessary to provide a list existing ventilation
schemes, conduct a review and comparative analysis of air distribution schemes and, in particular, ventilation ducts, diffusers,
supply and exhaust grilles with different lengths and jet flow paths. The use of air distributors when designing ventilation that
performs the distribution task of moving oxygen volumes, thereby creating circulation of air space in the work area. To avoid
the presence of stagnant zones and uneven distribution of the temperature gradient, the best option, both for the conference
room and the CD center, and for most of the teaching staff, is turbulent air distribution. At the same time, most of the air
distributors considered are, for one reason or another, not suitable for use in this project."
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