Pozioma sztywność ścian skrępowanych

  • Radosław Jasiński Laboratory of Civil Engineering Faculty and Department of Building Structures, Silesian University of Technology, Akademicka 5, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Słowa kluczowe: skrępowane konstrukcje murowe, ściany usztywniające, strut-and-tie model, sztywność na ścinanie


"This paper focuses on confined masonry walls. Confined walls are very popular in the seismic regions and are used as the
prevention of excessive cracking, displacement and a loss of structural integrity. In terms of structural engineering, confined
walls, similarly to walls in conventional buildings with conventional load-bearing wall structure, can function as the structure
restraint, and not only the walls under mainly vertical load. This paper presents the original proposition of the algorithm that

determines stiffness of a single area of the confined wall without openings and with openings, which is based on the S-T (strut-
and-tie) method in accordance with European standards EN 1996-1-1:2010, draft Eurocode 6 (prEN 1996-1-1:2017), having

regard to American standards FEMA 274 and FEMA 306."
