Wpływ długości ścian ścinanych na zachowanie się konstrukcji żelbetowych

  • Sid Ali Rafa National Center of Studies and Integrated Research on Building Engineering (CNERIB), El-Mokrani, Souidania, Algiers, Algeria
  • Idriss Rouaz National Center of Studies and Integrated Research on Building Engineering (CNERIB), El-Mokrani, Souidania, Algiers, Algeria
  • Mounia Hadj Brahim National Center of Studies and Integrated Research on Building Engineering (CNERIB), El-Mokrani, Souidania, Algiers, Algeria
  • Zakaria Ghribi National Center of Studies and Integrated Research on Building Engineering (CNERIB), El-Mokrani, Souidania, Algiers, Algeria
Słowa kluczowe: ściany ścinane, konstrukcje szkieletowe RC, trzęsienie ziemi, analiza nieliniowa, analiza liniowa


On May 21, 2003, a powerful earthquake with a moment magnitude of Mw=6.8 struck the city of Boumerdes, which is located
roughly 50 km east of Algiers, the capital city of Algeria. 2,278 people lost their lives as a result of the earthquake, which also
caused several buildings and infrastructures to collapse. Structures with reinforced concrete (R/C) frames did not withstand the
earthquake, according to post-seismic observations. In order to reduce risks related to this type of construction, the revised version
of the Algerian Seismic Code (RPA 99 Version 2003) restricted the use of RC frame structures to two-story buildings or structures
that were eight meters or taller. Over this threshold, shear walls must either fully or partially resist the earthquake loads. To
comply with this new requirement, engineers adopted a new construction system by using small length shear walls arranged in L
shape at the corners of the building. In order to assess the efficiency of this shear walls configuration, a series of numerical
analysis has been performed using the finite element method where the shear walls length was varied from 0.60 m to 2.00 m. For
the purpose of this study a typical three-story building constructed in Algeria's most seismically active region, Algiers and the
surrounding area, has been selected for this investigation.