Właściwości palne kompozytów epoksydowych wzmocnionych włóknem konopnym
In this study, the behavior of hemp fiber/epoxy composites subjected to flammability properties. for the production of composite samples, hemp reinforcements were used: unidirectional two balanced laminates (00/900) different in thickness were studied: 2 plies, 4 plies. The composites were fabricated by hand lay-up process the flammability properties of composites are analyzed by using UL-94. The effects of two different fire retardant compounds (Magnesium hydroxide and Aluminum hydroxide) filling on the Underwriters Laboratories (UL)-94 horizontal and vertical tests were carried out for evaluating the effectiveness of these FR treatments. The effects of 2 - 4% Mg (OH)2 and Al (OH)3 loading on the composites' burning rate was studied. It was seen that the composite results of vertical burning tests classified these composites under No Classification. The rate of burning of the composites decreased with the inclusion of fire retardants and the rate of burning of 11,60 and 11,22 and 12,20, and 10,60 mm/min was found with 4% wt of Mg(OH)2 and Al(OH)3 in composites respectively.
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