Zarządzanie środowiskiem na Łotwie: Przegląd dobrego zarządzania i wdrażania

Słowa kluczowe: Zarządzanie środowiskiem, Dobry zakres zarządzania, Przegląd wdrażania, Łotwa


Environmental governance implementation at all levels starting from EU up to local level need to have necessary capacity and whole set of governance instruments to ensure that the governance process reaches planned outcomes. The primary aim of the environmental governance assessment in Latvia is to review the implementation of environmental governance at the national level, but considering importance of municipal level as well. The initial part of this study was also part of the European Commission project, realized in the all EU Member States and then were studied several good governance characteristics as transparency, accountability, access to justice, participation, effectiveness and efficiency, and others. There were done all related document studies and additional selected interviews with key experts in the field and representing both governance levels, national and local. The continuation studies done kept similar approaches, however aiming at qualitative updating of environmental governance situation overview, according to the various substantial environmental and administrative-terririal and other changes which were taking place in the meantime in Latvia. Also there were additional studies performed, especially, stressing the importance of municipal environmental governance. Researchers used data and document studies, as well as consultations (express interviews) with related environmental experts/practitioners of different governance levels in the country. There are various environmental governance instruments at national level, having planned impact on local level governance, but local municipalities, as legal entities in the field of public law, first of all rely on regulatory enactments which define in detail the functions, rights and duties of local governments. The legislative framework is exhaustive and detailed, but it is fragmented in relation to the environment protection. Coordination mechanisms between local, regional, and national levels are complicated. The development of infrastructure at national level is mainly linked to existing standards, regulations and procedures for construction, exploitation, etc., as well as the distribution of available EU funds and monitoring and control of use. The financial-economic framework at national level defines the source of municipal finances – real estate tax, population income tax, natural resources tax, but there are yet limited financial mechanisms for local governments of municipalities to stimulate business development in their territory, promote sustainable forms of business, promote the use of renewable energy sources (e.g. wind parks). As regards the institutional and administrative framework and the framework for communication process and its complementary instruments, there are only separate restrictions imposed by regulatory enactments, leaving the local government level with a relatively large freedom of choice, but within their administrative capacities and financial resources available. Effective mechanisms to enable members of the public to make complaints about environmental problems are in place, and for those complaints to be properly addressed, are an important part of environmental compliance assurance. They also reinforce public confidence in environmental laws. Environmental governance in general in Latvia is well enough framed and developed in all governance levels – national, regional, local and grass-root level.
