Wykorzystanie metody radaru penetrującego grunt w badaniu gleby zanieczyszczonej węglowodorami w obszarze Navodari - Rumunia
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a very useful geophysical method for use in hydrogeologic and near-surface mapping studies. It can be used to study contaminants in groundwater, subsurface faulting, and underground cavities (natural or man-made), all of which pose potentially dangerous geological hazards. The GPR technique is similar in principle to seismic reflection and sonar techniques. The propagation of the radar signal depends on the frequency-dependent electrical properties of the ground.Electrical conductivity of the soil or rock materials along the propagation paths introduces significant absorptive losses which limit the depth of penetration into the earth formations and is primarily dependent upon the moisture content and mineralization present.Reflected signals are amplified, and transformed to the audio-frequency range, recorded, processed, and displayed. From the recorded display, subsurface features such as soil/ soil, soil/rock, and unsaturated/saturated interfaces can be identified. In addition, the presence of floating hydrocarbons on the water table, the geometry of contaminant plumes, and the location of buried cables, pipes, drums, and tanks can be detected. The GPR data are presented as a two-dimensional depth profile along a scanned traverse line in which the vertical axis is two-way travel time measured in nanoseconds. The location of hydrocarbon contamination in the ground using the GPR method is based mainly on information taken from reflected signals. In the cases investigated in Romania contaminated sites (Navodari area), such signals were very rarely recorded. A long time after spillage, contamination takes the form of plumes with different size and distribution, which depends on the geological and hydraulic properties of the ground. The survey discussed in this paper was carried out using the GPR system-Noggin with two antennas (250 and 500mHz) Data collected were processed using software(EKKO_Project™ GPR Data Analysis) to produce 2D radargram in time scale. The presence of contaminant plumes as well as the water table are observed in the GPR sections at depths approximately of 0.5 to 1.5 m. In the GPR section, the oil contaminated layer exhibits discontinuous, subparallel, and chaotic high amplitude reflection patterns. Promising results were also obtained in the GPR survey where three obvious reflection patterns representing the top sand-silt layer, oil-contaminated zone and, the underlying thick soft clay were detected in all 2D radargrams of the GPR traverse lines.
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