Precyzyjne wyznaczanie geodezyjne w budowie obiektów inżynierskich z orientacją w określonym kierunku
In the construction practice, there are engineering structures, where some complex requirements in the process of their building have to be meet, e.g., their positioning, geographical orientation and geometric determination. The current publication examines the specificity of geodetic activities, regarding the orientating of the main construction axes of the foundation and the supporting structures of the terrestrial telecommunication antennas in a predetermined direction, for example, in the parallel direction to the geographical meridian. The focus is on the assessment of the accuracy and the choice of appropriate methods and equipment in order to create the required geodetic network, as well as to perform accurate setting out works. The combination of demands, namely for a specific geographic orientation and precise relative accuracy of the setting elements, implies a suitable transition from the ellipsoidal geodetic coordinates to the projection plane of the setting out project. In this connection, the influence of the meridian convergence on the accuracy of the planning setting out works is examined. A mathematical approach is proposed to assess the need of elimination of this factor, depending on the value of the constructional tolerance and the geographic location of the site.The necessary precision for determining the geodetic ellipsoidal coordinates by GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) measurements as well as the required accuracy of the planning and elevation setting out works are shown.Using different geodetic methods and tools, a preliminary accuracy assessment approach and the choice of the appropriate coordinate projection and height reference system is also proposed. The real data, which were obtained in different Earth’s locations by the explained methodology, are presented. The established geodetic networks provide orientation of the main construction axes of the bases of the terrestrial communication antennas in the parallel direction to the geodetic meridian with an azimuth standard error - МА = ± 2÷5' (minutеs) and allowable error in distances and eleventions of the setting out elements, respectively - MdS ≤ ±3 mm, Mdh ≤ ± 2 mm.
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