Geotechnologie stosowane w konstrukcjach antropomorficznych: Wykorzystanie georadaru do wykrywania problemów strukturalnych, przyczyn i skutków - studium przypadku w Coimbrze w Portugalii
One of the recurrent problems in civil construction concerns the wear and deterioration of structures due to their use over time. There should be a plan for monitoring the structures to assess and quantify anomalies, which will allow the minimization and rehabilitation measures to be carried out in advance. This study aimed to use geotechnologies, specifically the Ground Probing Radar (GPR), to identify and quantify the damage caused using a swimming pool inserted in a structure built on a residential property. The methodology comprised the use of georradar Sensors & Software PulseEKKO GPR for data acquisition. The data were processed in the software EKKO Project considering the following parameters: 1- Grain/Filter: Dewow + SEC2 Gain (Attenuation:10.00 Start Gain:4.00 Maximum Gain: 950). Seven acquisition profiles were performed: 3 on the East side, 2 on the South side, and 2 on the West side of the pool, with a spacing between 0.8 m. From the visualization of the processed radargrams, and the slices elaborated for each profile with a color palette corresponding to the obtained reflectance values, it was possible to identify the underlying structures of the pavement of the edge of the pool such as beams, beam frames, slope, interior space of the support structure and, most importantly, the degree of subsoil materials alteration, depth, and dispersion of water infiltrations. On the East side, the pool is inserted into the rock formation; it is possible to identify up to 1 m depth of the water infiltration and dispersion. To the West and South, the pool is supported by a built-up structure; underneath there is a hall and the engine room. In these places, the infiltration and dispersion of water were identified until approximately 0.7 m depth, as well as the existing structures and their condition. The 0.7 m corresponds to the thickness of the existing slab and beams. Based on these results, an intervention plan was prepared for the rehabilitation of the deterioration of the materials and the minimization of water percolation through the waterproofing of the pool's surrounding areas.
Copyright (c) 2024 João Duarte,José Carvalho,Joana Ribeiro
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