Geometryczne dane niwelacyjne i niektóre błędy systematyczne w ich przetwarzaniu
The aim of this article is to illuminate some latent systematic faults in the mathematical treatment of precise levelling data. The first one is associated with the use of the average of both measurements of the height differences between the terminal benchmarks in levelling lines. Another weak point in the classical treatment of levelling data is the incomplete minimization of the impact of the spatial network configuration on the produced mean standard errors of the nodal benchmarks from the adjustment. Generating sixty random paired samples of size 1000, derived from three continuous distributions, e.g. Normal (0, 1), Uniform (-1.732, 1.732) and Gamma (1, 1), it was found that the average of two same distributed and ordered observations is very nearby to the theoretical expectation, in comparison to both observations, only in approximately 27-30% of all cases. Contrary, in other 70-74% of cases, either the “first” or the “second” observation is in close proximity to the expectation. The miss of this fact leads to a statistically significant deterioration of the final accuracy of the levelling networks. In the current study, it is also shown that the minimization of the standard errors of the adjusted normal heights of the nodal benchmarks in the Bulgarian Levelling Network 1980 cannot be achieved with the weights w=const.L-1, which are the most popular and used type of weights in the adjustment of geometric levelling networks. Finally, it is illustrated that taking into account the above marks and applying an appropriate adjustment algorithm, the mean of the standard errors of the adjusted heights of the nodal benchmarks in the analysed network is possible to be less than 1mm. The standard error of the adjusted height of the most remoted benchmark “Pushkarov”, which is 598 km far away from the datum point located in Varna, is equal to 1.40mm. The obtained from the adjustment mean standard error for the weight unit is estimated to be 0.164 mm/√km. In comparison, the adjustment mean standard error for the weight unit, but yielded by the classical approach of adjustment of the analysed network, is 1.289 mm/√km or almost 9 times higher. Despite being tedious and time-consuming, it is not on point of discarding the precise geometric levelling as a main geodetic method for solving of a couple of scientific and engineering tasks, where differences in heights have to be determined with the highest accuracy.
Copyright (c) 2024 Vasil Cvetkov

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