Oszacowanie współczynnika konwersji między przewodnością elektryczną a całkowitą zawartością rozpuszczonych ciał stałych w wodach powierzchniowych Žitného ostrova
The aim of this contribution was to analyse the worsening.water quality problem, factors affecting this process, its consequences and possibilities of prevention. Evaluating a water worsening state of surface water in Žitný ostrov region (Danube Lowland, Slovakia) following the assessment of the physical-chemical and microbiological indicators, with regards of international and national legislative for the water quality status. The study was focused on the surface water pollution of Žitný ostrov channel network. Monitoring and assessment of following indicators were performed – temperature (t), dissolved oxygen (O2), chemical oxygen consumption (CHSKCr), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), specific conductivity (SPC), total dissolved solids (TDS), total nitrogen (NTOT), nitrate nitrogen (N-NO3-), nitrite nitrogen (N-NO2-), ammonia nitrogen (N-NH4+), total phosphorus (PTOT), phosphate phosphorus (P-PO43-). In most surface waters these include the cations Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and the anions Cl–, HCO3–, SO42–. Estimations of total dissolved solids (TDS) content are commonly based on electrical conductivity (EC) measurements, using a conversion factors (f) retrieved from regulations or guidelines. This paper determinate a conversion factor parameters as a case study to identify if reported conversion factors of Žitný ostrov surface waters are valid.
Copyright (c) 2024 Viera Kováčová

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