Kryteria projektowania sieci dróg rowerowych z wykorzystaniem GIS, niwelacji topograficznej i analizy przestrzennej
The current need for the creation of cycleways in traditional cities often presents problems. Converting existing roads into cycleways frequently creates serious traffic issues without leading to the expected increase in bicycle use. In order to overcome some of these problems, this paper presents a composite methodology using GIS, topographic levelling and spatial analysis. Upon application of this methodology in a case study in the city of Patras, Greece, problems with the city’s existing, recently-constructed cycleway are identified. After applying topographical, qualitative and population criteria, an alternative network of cycleways is proposed. This proposed new network does not create traffic congestion, as the basic criterion for selecting roads is their low traffic load. At the same time, topographic leveling is employed to select routes with a very low gradient (<2%), which is a determining factor in making the network attractive to users. Using spatial analysis, the network is spread in order to serve all areas of the city, making it available to the vast majority of residents. Finally, the findings of a social research poll (through the use of a questionnaire) indicate that the creation of such a network could increase bicycle use by a factor of up to18, which would make bicycles the main mode of transport for 22% of residents.
Copyright (c) 2024 Sotiris Lycourghiotis,Elizabeth Paraskevi Crawford
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