Przewidywanie dyfuzyjności termicznej na podstawie prędkości P-fal i oceny porowitości dla zbiorników piaskowca
Petrophysical heterogeneities of sandstone reservoirs which are generated by rock internal variability resounded to the magnitude of the rock thermal diffusivity. This is expected mostly to variation of rock density, porosity, reservoir temperature and its thermal conductivity. New methodology for calculating thermal diffusivity in a sandstone rock formation is intended and effectively employed some laboratory thermophysical measurements for sandstone reservoirs. The proposed petrophysical model establishes thermal diffusivity if both the effective porosity and acoustic (compressional) wave velocity of the rock are known. Some reliable petrophysical models (El Sayed, 2011 and Ahmed, 2019) concerned to both the Baharyia (Egypt) and Szolnok (Hungary) sandstone formations are used with only some modifications to build an innovative nomography. It permitted precise quantification and determination of the thermal diffusivity for both dry and saturated sandstone samples normalized to reservoir temperature (300K-1060 K). Verification of the proposed model is achieved with applying study cases of laboratory measured thermophysical properties (i.e., porosity, thermal diffusivity/or conductivity and longitudinal wave velocity) for different sandstone types, geological ages and geographic locations. A regression analysis of thermal diffusivity between laboratory measured and predicted data for dry (Ҡ-dry) rock samples yield a plausible coefficient of correlations as (R =0.73; 0.86 and 0.98) for three different sandstones obtained from Permo-Carboniferous in Germany (Aretz, 2016) and of dissimilar geologic age in Switzerland (Pimienta, 2018) respectively while, the average standard error equals 0.011. Then again, the laboratory measured and predicted thermal diffusivity (Ҡ-sat) of saturated samples display an appropriate coefficient of correlation (R = 0.76) and average standard error (0.0089).
Copyright (c) 2024 Abdel Moktader A. El Sayed,Nahla A. El Sayed
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