Charakterystyka złoża formacji Baharyia, pola naftowe Neag-1, 2 i 3, Pustynia Zachodnia, Egipt
An integration was achieved between different bore holes and laboratory measured data using several petrophysical parameters of the Baharyia Formation encountered in Neag-1,2&3 oil fields. It illustrates the key control factors affecting the Baharyia reservoir quality. The obtained petrophysical relationships could be used widely in both exploration geophysics and hydrocarbon reservoir production. It provides and demonstrates solutions for both geological and geophysical engineering problems. The measured porosity and permeability are ranging from 2.5 to 32 % and 0.005 to 874 mD respectively. The influence of diagenesis on both reservoir porosity and permeability has been investigated. Pore filling minerals has been classified into four classes by XRD- analysis technique. A reliable regression equation was reached between reservoir permeability and mineral pore fillings. Several relationships among rock permeability, porosity and density obtained from open hole logs were recognized. The pore throat distribution has been laboratory measured by use of MICP technique for some selected samples. The calculated reservoir storage and flow capacity indicate four major fluid flow types which are controlled by the variations in reservoir pore space framework. Formation resistivity factor – porosity relation was accomplished under reservoir conditions, while the Archie’s 2nd equation was outlined. The Archie’s parameters (a, m &n) were calculated for shaly and clean sandstones of the Baharyia Formation. Both cation exchange capacity (CEC), Mounce potential (MP) and mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP) were measured to distinguish reservoir facies.
Copyright (c) 2024 Abdel Moktader A. El Sayed,Nahla A. El Sayed,M. A. El Bagoury
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