Geotermalny przepływ ciepła w Portugalii kontynentalnej
Heat flow density measurements in Portugal were made in boreholes used for mining prospecting. Heat flow density values in the sedimentary basins of the western and southern margins of the country were obtained using data from oil or gas prospecting works. Due to the scarcity of data in the central and northern regions of the country, numerical models based on some characteristics of the region were used to obtain more heat flow values. The total of heat flow values used in this work is 69, with 17 values obtained using numerical models, 36 obtained in boreholes and 16 obtained from oil/gas prospecting wells data. The analysis and location of these data allows to define different regions in the territory and characterize them using average values of heat flow density, temperature gradient and thermal conductivity. Statistical values with all the data in the territory are also presented.
Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Rosa Duque

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