Comparison of the Resampling Methods for Gridded DEM Downscaling
In this paper, a comparison and evaluation of three resampling
methods for gridded DEM is implemented. The evaluation was based on
the results of bilinear resampling, bi-cubic and Kriging resampling
methods for an experiment using both degraded and sampled datasets at 20
m and 60 m spatial resolutions. The evaluation of the algorithms was
accomplished comprehensively with visual and quantitative assessments.
The visual assessment process was based on direct comparison of the same
topographic features in different downscaled images, scatterplots and
profiles. The quantitative assessment was based on the most commonly
used parameters for DEM accuracy assessment such as root mean square
errors (RMSEs), linear regression parameters m and b, and correlation
coefficient R. Both visual and quantitative assessment revealed greater
accuracy of the Kriging over the other two conventional methods.
Copyright (c) 2022 Quang Minh Nguyen ,Thi Thu Huong Nguyen ,Phu Hien La ,Thi Tuyet Nhung Duong ,Thi Minh Hong Nguyen ,Van Anh Vu

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